Category: Travel Guides

Studying Abroad: A Black Woman’s Guide to Unlocking the World

My biggest personal regret was never studying abroad. I made up for it by teaching abroad in Abu Dhabi but it wasn’t until I was working on Adriana K. Smith’s Studying Abroad for Black Women guide for our Travel Guide collection did I realize what it truly was that held me back… Fear. Up until…
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A Whole New World: The Top Benefits of Teaching Abroad for Black Women

Let’s talk about why teaching abroad is the move for Black women in urban education. Over a decade ago, I found myself completely burnt out from the relentless demands of the American education system. Teaching in Title I schools in the United States, the expectation to take work home was a given, and the high-stakes…
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Solo Travel for Black Women: The Ultimate Self-Discovery Journey

Let’s talk solo travel for Black women. Have you ever found yourself scrolling through IG, double-tapping on those dreamy travel posts, and thinking, “That looks amazing, but I could never do that alone…” Maybe it’s the fear of sticking out like a sore thumb, dealing with the unpredictable, or just the thought of getting lost…
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