8 Amazing Destinations for Educators in 2024

8 Amazing Destinations for Educators in 2024

School Psychologist Simone Duncan in Mozambique

There are so many amazing destinations for educators to consider in 2024… Here are 8 that I would suggest putting on your list…

I will never forget the time I went to Egypt in 2013 and immediately wanted to redo an entire unit I taught in 2006.

After being in Egypt, I realized that the curriculum that I taught from reinforced stereotypes of Egyptian culture.

Because I didn’t know any better, I helped to reinforce those stereotypes…

I literally taught a piece of African history to African-American children from a white man’s perspective.

Fast forward 7 years and a teach abroad experience in the UAE and my approach to education changed drastically…

Daniele Wilson in Egypt

Having first hand experiences in different countries simply made me a better teacher…

I became more critical of the resources I was given to teach with…

More creative and intentional with how I delivered instruction…

More aware of cultural differences among my students…

And better equipped to create a safe, inclusive learning environment…

So… as we step into the new year… I challenge educators to travel abroad with the intention to become a better teacher through lived experiences.

I promise you will see a difference…..

Here are the 8 destinations for educators that would suggest….

1. The Galápagos Islands

The Galápagos is the perfect destination for science teachers. While all educators can enjoy this destination, K-12 science teachers will benefit from engaging in first hand experiences that will help them bring their curriculum to life.
The Galápagos is the perfect destination for science teachers. While all educators can enjoy this destination, K-12 science teachers will benefit from engaging in first hand experiences that will help them bring their curriculum to life.

2. Cartagena, Colombia

Cartagena is the perfect destination for history teachers. Take a day trip to Palenque and witness the beauty and complexity of the African diaspora. Such experiences can deepen how well we see and understand the cultural similarities & differences within the Black community.
Cartagena is the perfect destination for history teachers. Take a day trip to Palenque and witness the beauty and complexity of the African diaspora. Such experiences can deepen how well we see and understand the cultural similarities & differences within the Black community.

3. Dublin, Ireland

Dublin is a great destination for ELA teachers. 
This UNESCO City of Literature has so many interesting parallels and connections to American Literature standards. Book a literary tour and learn about classics before they were classics. This may add creativity to your approach to teaching literature.
Dublin is a great destination for ELA teachers.
This UNESCO City of Literature has so many interesting parallels and connections to American Literature standards. Book a literary tour and learn about classics before they were classics. This may add creativity to your approach to teaching literature.

4. Maasai Mara, Kenya

A Kenyan Safari on the Maasai Mara National Reserve is a great destination for all teachers but specifically 
Science & Social Science Teachers. 
Engaging with Maasai culture and observing the natural habitat of animals first hand will help bring any lesson to life.
A Kenyan Safari on the Maasai Mara National Reserve is a great destination for all teachers but specifically Science & Social Science Teachers.
Engaging with Maasai culture and observing the natural habitat of animals first hand will help bring any lesson to life

5. Morocco

Morocco is a great destination for ELA and history teachers.
This North African country has a deep historical timeline that includes one of the world’s oldest universities. Travel from Casablanca to Marrakesh to the Sahara to get a first hand look at how modern and traditional ways of life coexist.

6. Singapore

Singapore is a great destination for math and science teachers. Singapore Math has the been the buzz for a while, but why is it effective? Go experience the entirety of their way of life to really grasp why their math is mathing. This may help you look at your own strategic approaches differently.
Singapore is a great destination for math and science teachers. Singapore Math has the been the buzz for a while, but why is it effective? Go experience the entirety of their way of life to really grasp why their math is mathing. This may help you look at your own strategic approaches differently.

7. South Africa

South Africa is a great destination for history teachers. There are so many parallels between the Civil Rights and the Apartheid Movements that we should all be aware of... Understanding these parallels first hand can deepen your approach to classroom discussions about Black liberation.
South Africa is a great destination for history teachers. There are so many parallels between the Civil Rights and the Apartheid Movements that we should all be aware of… Understanding these parallels first hand can deepen your approach to classroom discussions about Black liberation.

8. Zurich, Switzerland

Zürich is a great destination for administrators. Zurich is considered a “smart city” and is well-known for a high quality of life. Residents will tell you that it is because the city has a citizen-centered approach to creating policies that balances the needs of all.
Zürich is a great destination for administrators. Zurich is considered a “smart city” and is well-known for a high quality of life. Residents will tell you that it is because the city has a citizen-centered approach to creating policies that balances the needs of all.

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